Big Head Press

Strip 83 - Click on page above to goto the next page. -- First Seen: 2009-01-07
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.

Not-Safe dot Kickstarter

Not Safe Comics logo

The big news this week is that Scott is preparing to launch a Kickstarter for his other comic, the very much NSFW Not-Safe.Space.

This over-sized (8.5 x 11-inch), 48 page book contains Chapter 1 of this naughty sci-fi spin-off, featuring Eithne Lamdagan, who happens to be Alyss Roaz' 7th-great granddaughter, in case you didn't know.

The story picks up roughly 2 years after QUANTUM VIBE: Assimulation left off, as Eithne and her K'Tagon boyfriend Ralff, wander through the Galaxy of the Gamer Godz, playing as the CUSH Queen, working to re-balance a real-life RPG that her travelling companion Hugo Galvez left in a bit of a mess.

Only instead of Eithne's CUSH turning people into techno-zombies, as the Godz originally intended, Eithne wants to make them techno-Succubi/Incubi, spreading what she calls an "Erogene" factor rendering them too busy making love, to make war. And of course, Eithne gets wrapped up in her work.

The campaign will start on May 14, and the link for the pre-launch page is here.

What Comes Next

The War is Over. We Won.

The war is over, but This Means War has a ways to go. Novo Paolo/Bubbleopolis is still in a nebula/stellar nursery, no one knows what happened to the planet Sharen (center of the Intergalactic Council), and the status of the now-surrendered Invaders is yet to be resolved. What will they do when they learn their homeworld is basically destroyed? Will Alyss and Li be re-united? How about Diana (the real one) and Otto?

These questions will be resolved in the next few weeks, before This Means War part 3 wraps in late May.

After that, I plan to go BACK in time about 400 years, to when Alyss and Li left their home in the Sol System to colonize a new world on the far side of the galaxy. As one might expect, hijinks ensue. New subtitle yet to be determined, start date sometime in around the start of July. Stay tuned!

The Transcript For This Page

Panel 1
Tall panel, establishing shot: In the Water Bros’ Café. Both of the Babbettes are sitting at a table (near the elder’s cashier station) with the Guzmán brothers, having a meal and talking.

B the elder: So Caillard turned out to be the hero, eh?

Ernie: Lorna said if he hadn’t plugged the leak the air would have been gone in less than four tocks*.

Bert: And it took us two centimes* to reach the cargo bay.

Caption: * 4 tocks = about 6 minutes, 2 centimes = about 29 minutes

Panel 2
Closer-in shot, B the younger and Bert are speaking.

B the younger: So do they know what caused the rupture?

Bert: An automated cargo carrier running in from Vesta went off-course and hit Ghetty at about 800 klicks per centime.

Panel 3
B the elder reacts in some shock. Bert answers her.

B the elder: Automated -! How in the heck…

Bert: Midgit Mining suspects software sabotage. Might take them months to prove it, if ever.

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